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Anat Shamgar (dance) & Tom Soloveitzik Japan tour 2024


11.3.24 - Anat Shamgar, Mamiko Hosokawa (dance), Naoto Yamagishi (percussion) & Tetuzi Akiyama (guitar).

Koen Dori Classics, Tokyo.


10.3.24 - Workshop on Stones/Water/Time/Breath by Dean Rosenthal.


Outdoor performance with Anat Shamgar, Takashi Masabuchi (guitar) & Kasuya Matsumoto (percussion).

Center, Kanuma.


9.3.24 - Duo at Center, Kanuma.


8.3.24 - with Tadashi Yonago (self made instrument & trombone) & Masafumi Ezaki (trumpet).

Port, Osaka.


6.3.24 - with Masafumi Ezaki & Rabito Arimoto (trumpets).

Studio T-Bone, Osaka.


3.3.24 - Duo at Palais de Paris, Takasaki.


2.3.24 - with Atsuko Hatano (viola) & Ryotaro Miyasaka (percussion).

Ftarri, Tokyo.





Three compositions by Wakana Ikeda, Yoko Ikeda and Tom Soloveitzik.

Wakana Ikeda (flute), Yoko Ikeda (violin), Takashi Masabuchi (guitar), Tom Soloveitzik (tenor & soprano saxophone).

Ftarri, Tokyo



Duo with Seijiro Murayama (drums, vocal).

Ftarri, Tokyo.



Duo with Riuichi Daijo (guitar).

Permian, Tokyo.



Trio with Masatake Abe (e. bass) & Fumi Endo (piano).

Ftarri, Tokyo.



With Yu Oda (computer & synth) & Kiyomitsu Odai (computer).

Ftarri, Tokyo.



Duo with Naoto Yamagishi (percussion).

Permian, Tokyo.



Duo with Mamiko Hosakawa (movement).

Permian, Tokyo.



Play release CD concert.

Toshimoru Nakamu, Naoto Yamagishi, Atsuko Hatano & TS.

Ftarri, Tokyo.



Riverside concert

Quintet for four players & a field. Playing a new composition by me (ss) with Takashi Masubuchi (g.), Yoko Ikeda (viola de gamba) & Wakana Ikeda (fl.).


First set consisted of a duo improvisation by Taku Sugimoto (g.) & Sean Colum (g.).



New release: Play by Hannes Lingenes. Released by Ftarri. For this occasion I also have contributed the CD liner notes.



Duo with Masahide Tokunage

Barber Fuji, Saitama



Trio with Masatake Abe & Fumi Endo

Ftarri, Tokyo



Duo with Mamiko Hosokawa (movement)

Nanahari, Tokyo



Permian Period release concert with Takashi Masubuchi.

Otooto, Tokyo



Trio with Leo Okagawa & Fumi Endo

Ftarri, Tokyo



Duo with Shaul Kohn

Uganda, Tel Aviv



Duo with Hannes Lingens (snare drum)

Messo Gallery, Haifa



Trio with Naoto Yamagishi (percussion) & Kiyomitsu Odai (computer).

Otooto, Tokyo.



Permian Period, new album with Tokyo based guitarist Takashi Masubuchi, out now on Zoomin' Night.



Quartet with Takashi Masubuchi (acoustic guitar), Wakena Ikeda (flute) & Yoko Ikeda (violin).

Ftarri, Tokyo.



Duo with Kiyomitsu Odai (computer)

Velvet Sun, Tokyo.



Trio with Masahide Tokunaga (alto saxophone) & Kiyomitsu Odai (computer).

Ftarri, Tokyo.



Duo with Masahide Tokunaga (alto saxophone).

Ftarri, Tokyo.



Trio with Tetuzi Akiyama (guitar) & Kiyomitsu Odai (computer).

Permian, Tokyo.



Duo with Leo Okagawa (synth)

Ftarri, Tokyo.



Trio with Toshimaru Nakamura (no input mixer), Takashi Masubuchi (acoustic guitar).

Permian, Tokyo.



Solo & Duo with Kiyomitsu Odai (computer)

Ftarri, Tokyo.



Solo & Duo with Kiyomitsu Odai (computer)

Permian, Tokyo.



Gravitational Capsules - A new text on 'A Row Of Trees', SARU Sonic Art's new online journal edited by Patrick Farmer & Kelly Krumrie.




Anat Shamgar, Hannes Lingens, Tami Leibovitz, TS

Yasmeen Godder Studio, Jaffa.



The Holon Scratch Orchestra - Farewell Concert

The Center for Digital Art, Holon.



Der Deutsche Freund with Pierre Borel

Tom Soloveitzik, Hannes Lingens, Shaul Kohn, Pierre Borel.

Hanut31, Tel Aviv.



Hannes Lingens & Tom Soloveitzik

Ein Yael, Jerusalem.



Das Hausgemachte Gedicht

Hannes Lingens & Tom Soloveitzik

House concert, Tel Aviv.



Bell by Hagar Kadima

Performed by Holon Scratch Orchestra

Israeli Center for Digital Art



Interviewing Eamon Sprod (Tarab) for the third recordedness edition.



06Q.4 - Open source nature-resonant stroll

TS, Dodik Opp, Shaul Kohn


Moshav Shdema




TS, Hannes Lingnes, Anat Shamgar, Tami Leibovitz

Room Dance Festival

Hazira Theater, Jerusalem




TS, Hannes Lingnes, Anat Shamgar, Tami Leibovitz

Room Dance Festival

Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel Aviv



Duo W/ Anat Shamgar

Sphere #12




Miracles in the room

A new text in the book: Constellation - The Center For Digital Art 2011-2021


24.7.21 - Heart Advice: Yonatan Giron. As part of the Out of the cube project. Duo W/Shaul Kohn.


24.4.21 - Aqua Alta: new A/V piece by Orr Sinay & Dani Williamson. w/ Nitai Levi. Hansen House, Jerusalem


23.4.21 - Plateau Stories Park Hahurshot. w/ Anat Shamgar and in collaboration w/ Michal Samama, Omer Uziel & Noa Simhayof-Shahaf.


29.3.21 - Two interviews for the new recordedness site. In the first one Frantz Loriot talks with me about my album 'Air 2011' and in the other I'm interviewing Yan Jun.


29.12.20 - New soundtrack to Anat Shamgar's dance for the 31st edition of Room Dances Festival.


3.11.20 - Amplified Silence, by Shira Legmann & Yftach Kadan, Tiveon water tower.


14.10.20 - Andy Graydon's A*rray, a series of music compositions based on moving image score. New album with Musica Nova.


8.10.20 - Mar Haim, Audio visual installation by Yoni Niv. Tel Aviv Museum of Art.


4.9.20 - Tel Aviv Flora & Fauna released on Suppedaneum.


1.6.20 - Air 2011, new album + pdf booklet, released on Hedim.


30.5.20 Tel Aviv Flora & Fauna

Ya’akov Garden, Tel Aviv. info


28-29.2.20 Looking at the sea, Longing - new opera by Kiki Keren Huss - Teiva, Tel Aviv. info


19.1.20 w/ Emanuella Amichai, Zumu, Kiryat Yam.



7.1.20 w/ Yifeat Ziv & Maayan Tsadka

Levontin 7, Tel Aviv. info


21.12.19 Michael Maierhof W/ The Scratch Orchestra, Digital Art Center, Holon. info


10.12.19 Tel Aviv Flora & Fauna:

Teiva, Tel Aviv. info


29.11.19 The Scratch Orchestra @Social Bauhaus Festival, Ora Cinema, Haifa. info


21.11.19 Echo-System - Maayan Tsadka & Lior Ben Gai, Digital Art Center, Holon. info


12.11.19 The Holon Scratch Orchestra

City University, London. info


14.9.19 Impressions W/ Yifeat Ziv

Mazkeka, Jerusalem. info


24.6.19 The Tiger's Mind, Cardew Revisited

Mazkeka, Jerusalem. info


3.3.19 Repetitiones #8 w/ Anat Shamgar & Masha Zusnman, The Refrigerator, Tel Aviv. info


25.5.19 Tell Me What’s Your Name 

W/ Michal Oppenheim & The Scratch Orchestra

Digital Art Center, Holon. info


23.5.19 Repetitiones #7 w/ Anat Shamgar & Masha Zusnman, The Refrigerator, Tel Aviv. info


9.3.19 Tell Me What’s Your Name

W/ Michal Oppenheim & The Scratch Orchestra

Digital Art Center, Holon. info


30.1.19 - 2.219 W/ Frantz Loriot

Teiva, Tel Aviv ||  Pyramida, Haifa || Mazkeka, Jerusalem. info


26.12.18 Uncreative Music W/ Shaul Kohn,

Mazkeka, Jerusalem. info


25.12.18 Warriors Talk - Audience Presence -Teiva, Tel Aviv.


22.12.18 || 27.12.18 Second Duet w/ Anat Shamgar Room Dance Festival, Teiva, Tel Aviv & Gerhard Behar Center, Jerusalem.



15.12.18 Musica Nova + Hyperion Ensemble, Tectonics Festival, Tmuna Theater, Tel Aviv. info


2-3.11.18 Korhan & Anil & Friends:

Sowieso, Berlin. info


20.9.18 - 13.10.18 Exhibition: Soldiers' Talk. Binyamin Gallery, Tel-Aviv. info


7.9.18 Loopholes - levontin 7, Tel-

Aviv. info


4.9.18 Quantum - Musica Nova w/ Ulrich Krieger. Special guests: Faust. Hateiva, Tel-Aviv. info


28.7.18 Easy Jet #1 - Gate 3 gallery, Haifa. info

4.7-5.7.18 Barbur B&B 2018 residency -Barbur Gallery, Jerusalem. info  


27.6.18 No Sexual Relationship - Musica Nova @Mazkeka, Jerusalem. info


9.6.18 The Scratch Orchestra after An-Sky - Holon Digital Art Center, Holon. info 


15.5.18 ContComp Festival with Musica Nova @Haifa University. info


5.5.18 Which does not cease not being written - Holon Digital Art Center, Holon. info


3.5.18 Tel-Aviv flora & fauna no.3 - Barbur Gallery, Jerusalem. info


21.4.18 Musica Nova @ Tel-Aviv Museum chamber music series. Tel-Aviv. info


6.4.18 Travel Light #1, experimental solo(s), Zimmer, Tel-Aviv. info


22.3.18 Revisiting 'plateau stories' with Anat Shamgar. info


14.3.18 Zmadim Kvedim 16. Duo with Shaul kohan @Mazkeka, Jerusalem. info


23.12.17, 30.12.17 Plateau Stories,  RoomDances Festival, Tel-Aviv & Jerusalem. info


17.12.17 Couch Potatoes, handwerk & Musica Nova, Colonge. info


8.12.17 trio w/Frant Loriot & Raphael Loher, Wim, Zurich. info

© 2022 by Tom Soloveitzik​

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